Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tri new things - keep fresh for your students!

Upper elementary students are amazing innovators, natural scientists, and explorers. They are still excited about learning new ideas and skills, unlike their older middle school brethren. Adults can fall into a rut of busy schedules and obligations which can stifle the inner light of enthusiasm students can detect in us adults. For those of us just starting a family, plenty of new things are happening every day. Sharing a bit of that with your students will involve them in the growth and excitement you are experiencing. With my two sons off to college, I can tackle bigger new things. My latest challenge is a competition known as a triathlon, combining swimming, cycling, and running. I can only compete with myself, being athletically challenged. I'm also learning how to swim for real - not just floating or splashing around. The sport has spurred my wife into bigger challenges, and has involved my son as well. He's coaching me on my swimming, and doing a great job of it. Like many things, I didn't know I could do it until my first race. I survived to race again, and have some great new things to keep me motivated and fresh.My science side has been investigating diet, heart rates, gear ratios, and hydrodynamics. Personally, I'm getting into better shape with more energy for my students!

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