Friday, December 14, 2007

Huckabee is a huckster disguised as a huckleberry..

Gov. Huckabee is a photogenic and sweet tongued fellow who will surely charm many people who are looking for an excuse not to engage in the tough work of observing and thinking about the world. I respect any person's right to believe what they wish. However, I do not think that belief in pseudoscience qualifies one to be in any sort of leadership role which touches on education. While a sitting president has little to do with educational policy, he/she sets the tone for discourse on the topic and can be a cheerleader for initiatives to improve what we are doing. We have had seven long years where decisions were not made using the data at hand. It has been said that the current president has relied largely on guidance based on his beliefs. The result is that we are reviled by over a billion muslims and laughed at by our EU peers. In science, we have let ourselves drop to the bottom third of the developed barrel. I would propose to Gov. Huckabee that if there ever is/was an intelligent designer, he/she/it used good old data driven scientific method to guide things to where they are. I also suspect that the designer might have already finished and is observing us to see if we have the intellect to be included in further experiments. The only candidate with an actual track record on education is Gov. Bill Richardson who helped pump 700Million$ into New Mexico's educational system. Money isn't the only answer, but you don't need to do an experiment to realize that lack of monetary support does not work at all. I am appalled that my own teacher's organization, NEA-NH has endorsed Huckabee. He is a populist candidate with nothing in his experience for science, education, or the combination of the two!

BTW: credit to the Charlotte Conservative News for the 'holy mike' image

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